5K Mental Health Charity Run with Free Badass Tank

5K Mental Health Charity Run with Free Badass Tank

March 01, 2018

This is a special offer week on our free 5k Run. We are giving away a FREE Badass Womens or Mens tank with each $19.95 purchase of the charity race Mental Health Matters 5k Virtual Run (Cash only at run). Essentially, you are getting the virtual race for free! You certainly don't have to but look at that badass medal and you're running a 5K anyway.

If that wasn't enough you're getting to hang out with super cool Badass Runners. What else could you want?

In partnership with the spectacular Harvest Seasonal Grill & Wine Bar,Badass Running Company hosts a FREE 5K Run Course.

We set up a well marked course using cones and directional arrows making sure that you get your weekly 5K run done right. 

Healthy food and a fantastic outside bar area with fire pits. For our Badass Runners you will receive unlimited $3 beer, $4 wine and $5 mixed. 

Over the Linton Bridge and Ocean Side along beautiful A1A. (100% sidewalks with NO street crossovers - Yay!)
Route Map: Plotaroute.com/route/510246

Be at the sidewalk in front of Harvest Grill at least 5 minutes before start time. 

During Winter/Fall a running light or head lamp with a minimum of 150 lumens is prudent and reflective vest or flashing lights is a must.

So what do you get? 
A free clearly marked 5K course and run with your friends.
A Special unlimited $3 beer, $4 wine and $5 mixed drinks after your Run.
A outdoor lounge or VIP table location for eating, drinking and socializing after the run.

We look forward to seeing you!

In consideration of being permitted to participate in Badass Ocean 5K Fun Run, I agree to assume all risks inherent in participation in such program, whether they are apparent to me or not. I certify that I am in good physical health and fit to participate. Nevertheless, I acknowledge that participation carries an inherent risk of injury to my person and damage to my property. I hereby waive and release, for myself and for my heirs and assigns, any and all claims, causes of action, or liabilities which may hereafter accrue against Badass Running Company and its sponsors, affiliates, their agents, employees, volunteers, officers, directors, successors. Further, I hereby grant full permission to any and all of the foregoing to use any photographs, motion pictures, recordings, or any other record of these events for any legitimate purpose, including commercial advertising, without monetary payment to me.